About Atfar Construction

Company Information

Trading Name
Atfar Construction Ltd
Trading Address
5 Colecot Cottages
Co. Dublin
John Farrell (C Eng Dip Eng)
Thomas Atkinson (BSc Con Mgt)
Business Registration No.
Revenue Status
C2 Registered
Employers Liability
Public Liability
Product Liability
Builders All Risk

Legal and Financial Information

All Atfar Construction tax liabilities are current and all revenue liabilities are also current.

Atfar are currently banking with AIB and all accounts are up to date.

Health and Safety Policy

It is the policy of Atfar Construction Ltd to comply with the Safety, Health and Welfare at work act 2005, the Safety, Health and Welfare at work Regulations 1993 and all other legislation relevant to our operations.

It is our aim to achieve a working environment, which is free of work related accidents and ill health and to this end we pursue continuing improvements from year to year.

We undertake to discharge our statutory duties by:

  • Identifying hazards in the workplace, assessing the risks related to them and implementing appropriate preventative and protective measures
  • Providing and maintaining safe plant and work equipment
  • Establishing and enforcing safe working systems of work
  • Recruiting and appointing personnel who have skills, abilities and competence with their role and level of responsibility
  • Ensuring that tasks given to the employees are within their skills, knowledge and ability to perform
  • Promoting awareness of health and safety and of good practice through the effective communication of relevant information

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Photo of a two storey residence in Balgriffin Co Dublin, built by Atfar Construction

Contact us

5 Colecot Cottages
Co. Dublin

+353 1 843 1179